CMS van ons Kalibratie Laboratorium

CMC: Calibration and Measurement Capability is the smallest uncertainty of measurement the laboratory can provide to its customers, expressed as the expanded uncertainty having a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The expanded uncertainty U, is calculated according to EA-4/02 “Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration”.

HCS codeMeasured quantityFrequencyRangeCMC-BestRemarks
Instrument, Measured Parameter
AC 1 0Sound pressure0 dB ≜ 20 µPa (SPL)
Microphone correction in combination with soundlevelmeterdB ref. 20 µPa
Lp = 94 dBƒ = 1000 Hz ± 0,1%0,15 dBCalibrator Class-LS
Lp = 114 dBƒ = 1000 Hz ± 0,1%0,15 dBCalibrator Class-LS
Lp = 124 dBƒ = 251,2 Hz ± 0,1%0,12 dBPistonphone Class-0L
±0,1% re the ISO-266 exact frequencies
Microphone correctiondB ref. 20 µPa
Lp = 94 dBƒ = 1000 Hz ± 0,1%0,10 dBCalibrator Class-LS
Lp = 124 dBƒ = 10 2,4 Hz ± 0,1%0,09 dBPistonphone Class-0L
SoundlevelmeterdB ref. 20 µPa
Lp =94 dB31,5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 2000 Hz0,19 dB
Lp =114 dB2000 < ƒ ≤ 4000 Hz0,25 dBMulti Acoustic Calibrator Class-1
4000 < ƒ ≤ 8.000 Hz0,34 dB
8.000 < ƒ ≤ 16.000 Hz0,55 dB
Microphone pressure sensitivitydB ref. 20 µPa
Lp =94 dB31,5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 16.000 Hz0,15 dBSound pressure in coupler
Lp =114 dB
Microphone pressure sensitivity31,5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 25.200 Hz0,15 dBElectrostatic respons
Calibrator94 dB en 114 dB0,10 dBIEC-60942
ƒ = 1000 Hz ± 0,1%dB ref. 20 µPa
Pistonphone124 dB0,09 dBdB ref. 20 µPa
ƒ = 251,2 Hz ± 0,1%ƒ = 10 2,4 Hz ± 0,1% re. ISO-266
Total distortion5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 20.000 Hz0.0001THD+N (measuring)
AC 2 0Transducers/Micro-phones (Electrial units)
Alternating voltage
Electrical part of SoundlevelmeterdB ref. 20 µPa
31,5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 25.200 Hz15 dB ≤ Lp ≤ 45 dB0,24 dB12 – 143 dB nominal microphone sensitivity -26 dB V/Pa
45 dB < Lp ≤ 94 dB0,13 dB18 – 149 dB nominal microphone sensitivity -32 dB V/Pa
94 dB < Lp ≤ 155 dB0,09 dB24 – 155 dB nominal microphone sensitivity -38 dB V/Pa
Conditioner Amplifiers Vibration & Sound Charge
IEPE / CCLD © / ICP ©0,01 dBdB ref. 1 µ ms -2
Voltage20 Hz ≤ ƒ ≤ 100 kHz0,01 dBdB ref. 1 µ V
0,01 dBdB ref. 20 µPa
AM 0 0Acceleration, Velocity
Vibration sensitivity voltage or charge
3 Hz ≤ ƒ ≤ 8 Hz0.013
Acceleration (a)8 Hz < ƒ ≤ 2000 Hz0.01110µV/ms -2 to 10V/ms -2
2000 Hz < ƒ ≤ 4000 Hz0.0190,1pC/ms -2 to 1nC/ms -2
Velocity (v)4000 Hz < ƒ ≤ 5000 Hz0.0261nC/ms to 10nC/ms
5000 Hz < ƒ ≤ 10 kHz0.0344 mV/ms to 40V/ms -2
DIN 45669-1
Phase Shift (∆ ϕ )3 Hz ≤ ƒ ≤ 1000 Hz1,3 °1 ° = π/180° rad
1 kHz < ƒ ≤ 10 kHz1,4 °ƒ > 1 kHz with mechanical filter
TF 2 1Frequency
Frequency (ƒ)5 ≤ ƒ ≤ 1000 Hz0,07 HzGenerating
1000 < ƒ ≤ 10.000 Hz0,13 Hz
10.000 < ƒ ≤ 25.000 Hz0,21 Hz
25.000 < ƒ ≤ 100 kHz1 Hz
Frequency (ƒ)5 Hz ≤ ƒ ≤ 30 Hz0,15 HzMeasuring
30 Hz < ƒ ≤ 25.000 Hz0,65 Hz

1. CMC: Calibration and Measurement Capability is the smallest uncertainty of measurement the laboratory can provide to its customers, expressed as the expanded uncertainty having a coverage probability of approximately 95%. The expanded uncertainty U, is calculated according to EA-4/02 “Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration”.
2. Calibration and Measurement in accordance with IEC-61672-3 are made in our lab under reference environmental conditions for periodic testing within the following ranges of environmental conditions: 80 kPa to 105 kPa for static air pressure, 20 ˚C to 26 ˚C for air temperature and 25% to 70% relative humidity.
3. Calibration and Measurement in accordance with IEC-60942-3 are made in our lab under reference environmental conditions for periodic testing within the following ranges of environmental conditions: 97 kPa to 105 kPa for static air pressure, 20 ˚C to 26 ˚C for air temperature and 40% to 65% relative humidity.
4. Reference environmental conditions for specifying the performance of sound level meters and sound calibrators are : 101,325 kPa for static air pressure, 23 ˚C for air temperature and 50% relative humidity.
5. Unless otherwise specified, uncertainties are given at actual laboratory environmental conditions.
6. Calibration and Measurement are only carried out within our laboratory.
7. Calibration and Measurement and Accept / Tolerance limits according to the latest standards of IEC-61672, IEC-60942, IEC-61260, ISO-16063-21, DIN 45669-1.
8. Calibration of 1ˮ, ½ˮen ¼ˮmicrophones.
9. Sound pressure is measured in a coupler.
10. The Free-field and Diffuse Field Responses characteristics of microphones are calculated using the measured actuator/pressure response and the correction coefficients provided by the manufacturer of the tested microphone.
11. Values listed with percent (%) are percent of reading of generated values.
12. IEPE stands for “Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric”. Other proprietary names for the same principle are ICP®, CCLD®, Isotron®, Deltatron®, Piezotron® .
13. The generally applied calibration frequencies are Nominal Frequencies. The Exact Frequencies are in accordance with ISO 266 and equal to 10n/10 Hz, where n is an integer. Intermediate values are obtained by interpolation.



AV Consulting B.V Calibration Laboratory

Wij verzorgen onafhankelijke kalibratie van geluidsmeter, trillingsmeters, microfoons, sensoren etc. De resultaten zijn herleidbaar naar internationale standaard


AV-Consulting ©
Calibration Laboratory

Ad (Arie) Vreeswijk, M.Sc. INCE
Senior Adviseur & Directeur

Europe (Zuid-Holland): +31.182352311

Vestiging Zuid-Holland
Benedenberg 100A
2861 LH Bergambacht